Wilma Kelly, HSE Director at Certas Energy, has been elected as the new President of the Tank Storage Association, the trade association representing all aspects of the UK’s bulk storage and energy infrastructure industry. Wilma succeeds Adrian Jackson, Chief Executive of the Oil and Pipelines Agency.

Managing Director at Oikos Storage, has been elected to the position of Vice-President, and will also join the Board of Directors of the TSA.

The Presidency and Vice-Presidency transferred at the TSA’s Annual General Meeting, which was held virtually yesterday.

Wilma Kelly said: “I am honoured to take on the role of President of the Tank Storage Association and I would like to thank Adrian Jackson for all his hard work, dedication and support over the past two years. I look forward to building on his success and taking the Association forward. The Tank Storage Association plays a leading role in several industry, regulatory and Government forums and works to ensure that members’ interests are at the top of the agenda. My priorities will be to continue to boost our connections whilst championing the value and benefits of this vital industry. I will be focusing on supporting the energy transition and ensuring the skills and resources for the future, particularly at a time of transformational progress for our sector.”

Arun Sriskanda said: “I am delighted to be taking on the role of Vice-President at this important time for our sector. I look forward to working together with the Association’s membership on the issues that matter most to us and helping to deliver the exciting new initiatives we are setting out for the months and years ahead. Thank you for the warm welcome from the existing TSA Board Members.”