There is only one week to go to the North’s annual transport conference organised by Transport for the North (TfN).

The region’s political and business leaders, government and industry representatives, and many other stakeholders, will come together on Monday 5 February at Hilton Liverpool City Centre to discuss the opportunities that could be unlocked by investment in the North’s transport system.

Long-term transformation for the North of England will dominate this year’s conference. We know better connectivity enables economic growth, helps decarbonise our transport system and provides more opportunities for all. It is why TfN continues to make the case for investment and change to transform the North.

The day’s programme kicks off at 10.30am and will provide an expert packed agenda of presentations, panel discussion, speeches and debates on the themes emerging from TfN’s revised Strategic Transport Plan and the updated Northern Powerhouse Independent Economic Review There will be keynote speeches and unique networking opportunities for conference delegates who include:

Steve Rotheram – Mayor of the Liverpool City Region, Tracy Brabin – Mayor of West Yorkshire, Andy Burnham – Mayor of Greater Manchester, Lord Patrick McLoughlin – Transport for the North Chair, Councillor Anne Handley – Leader of East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Professor Piers Forster – Interim Chair of the UK Committee on Climate Change, Zoe McLernon – Head of Policy and Advocacy (Freight Reform) at Great British Railways Transition Team (GBRTT), Sonya Byers – Chief Executive at Women in Transport amongst others.

With Liverpool Echo named as the official media partner, the conference will also highlight how transformational change can be achieved if investment in connectivity is aligned – for people and places – with investment in other strategic infrastructure and key policy areas, such as innovation, economic growth, health & wellbeing.

Speaking ahead of the conference, Steve Rotheram, Mayor of the Liverpool City Region, said:

“Our area has been at the forefront of British transport innovation for centuries and I’m really looking forward to welcoming everyone to our area so they can see for themselves how we are continuing that legacy today.

“Good public transport is the hallmark of any modern society, yet, for far too long, people in the North have been forced to accept a second-class service that simply doesn’t work for them.

“Devolution has given areas like ours the opportunity to chart our own course and demonstrate that we have the vision and ambition to transform public transport for the better. From the half a billion pounds we have invested in our new publicly owned trains and hydrogen buses, which are among the most sophisticated and accessible in the country, to voting to bring our buses back under public control and investing £70m in active travel infrastructure, we are well on our way to building a London-style transport network that’s faster, cheaper, cleaner and better connected.”

Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire, said:

“Investment in Northern transport can transform our prospects, boost connectivity, and allow people and businesses to thrive. We are stronger together when fighting for the North to get investment and effective long-term planning for the modern transport system we need.

“I’m looking forward to joining fellow leaders to discuss how we can work together to build a better-connected North.”

Andy Burnham – Mayor of Greater Manchester said:

“Everybody recognises that our public transport system is not where we want it to be. Across the region transport connectivity is the thing that’s holding us back. We can’t allow this to continue.

“A functioning transport system is the prerequisite for a growing economy if we are to move closer to our goal of an inclusive and accessible transport system fit for the 21st century. Transport for the North’s Annual Conference will once again demonstrate how we, as Northern leaders and Northern people, are speaking together with one voice, to ensure we get what we need to meet the ambitious plans for our businesses and communities.”

Councillor Anne Handley, Leader of East Riding of Yorkshire Council said:

“I’m really looking forward to this year’s Transport for the North conference, where we’ll be exploring how the North can become a global gateway for the UK through our ports and airports.

“I’m also excited to talk about how devolution in Hull and East Yorkshire and the creation of a new mayoral combined authority could help us work together even better across the North. This is all about connecting better and showing the world what we can do. Together we can Transform the North.”

Lord McLoughlin, Chair at Transport for the North said:

“We know there is a huge economic, environmental and social prize for the North that can be achieved through better connectivity and Transport for the North’s Annual Conference is about bringing the region together to enable action to unlock the benefits of an effective, efficient and greener transport system that supports economic growth, and, importantly, helps our people and businesses realise their ambitions. I look forward to welcoming the North’s civic and business leaders to Liverpool, so we can discuss how we transform the North together.”

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Further details on the full speaker line-up will be announced ahead of the event.