Lauterach, March 31, 2023. Gebrüder Weiss is once again organizing: “Cycling around the World”. The logistics company is calling on cycling enthusiasts from all over the world to pedal hard from April 1. This year, they want to top the surprising success of 2022: instead of six circumnavigations of the world, they want to complete seven, corresponding to 280,525 kilometers. Participating cyclists have until the end of September to finish. The number of kilometers completed will be recorded and calculated in a cycling app.

The idea behind this year’s sporting competition is also environmental protection: for every 40 kilometers cycled, Gebrüder Weiss will pay for a tree to be planted in Nicaragua. This Central American country is severely affected by climate change, and the trees planted there are intended to protect against flooding. The cooperation partner is PRIMAKLIMA, a non-profit association which has been involved in reforestation projects for more than 30 years.

“We are excited to see how ambitious the participants will be this time. The bar is high, but we believe in our cycling community, which we hope will continue to grow. This campaign is aimed at anyone who enjoys exercising and wants to make a contribution to environmentally friendly mobility. Every kilometer counts, and together we can make a big difference – after all, that’s what we like to do most as a logistics company,” says Frank Haas, Head of Corporate Brand Strategy & Communications at Gebrüder Weiss. A Gravelbike will be raffled off among the top 250 cyclists. Prizes will also be awarded for completing individual sections ranging from 60 to 6,000 kilometers.

The first edition of the Gebrüder Weiss cycling campaign ended in September 2022 with a total distance covered of 249,392 kilometers. At that time, the international field of participants had surpassed the original goal of “only” one circumnavigation of the globe (40,075 kilometers) many times over and, with this mileage, contributed to the replanting of 5,000 trees in Togo, Africa.

You can read all information on the 2023 cycling campaign here: