Howard Tenens Logistics’ goal is to achieve net zero by 2045 and is committed to reducing its carbon footprint as quickly as possible. The company has already implemented several measures as part of its carbon reduction strategy, such as switching from diesel to HVO renewable fuel, fitting solar panels to its roofs and installing energy-efficient lighting in its warehouses. Howard Tenens Logistics has always embraced technological advancement and is constantly exploring innovative ways to reduce its impact on the environment and operate more sustainably.

In line with this ethos, Tenens have recently trialled a biomethane 44-tonne CNG truck. The vehicle was based at Daventry for three weeks where it was refuelled with biomethane at a CNG Fuels site close by. The vehicle operated on the Toolstation Tilbury trunk as well as undertaking store deliveries, completing two shifts a day.

Howard Tenens already operates four compressed natural gas rigids, however, due to the lack of 44-tonne gas trucks available, the company has been unable to purchase more vehicles, as 44-tonne trucks comprise most of the vehicles it owns. This new truck offers up the exciting opportunity to shift to a low-carbon fuel, and with a range of 330 miles, can be deployed on most routes. The truck is manufactured by IVECO, but modifications have been undertaken by the South West Truck & Van dealership, such as swapping the steel gas tanks for carbon fibre tanks to increase the range.

The truck has a gas engine which runs on biomethane fuel, and because it is a renewable fuel made from waste products, it has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over 90% on a well-to-wheel basis. This makes it a serious contender for Howard Tenens Logistics’ portfolio of decarbonisation solutions and could help accelerate Tenens’ journey to net zero.

“We were very excited to trial this biomethane truck as there are limited solutions available on the market to decarbonise 44-tonnetrucks. Until zero-emission electric or hydrogen trucks become a reality, renewable fuels such as biomethane have an extremely important role to play and therefore form a key aspect of our short to medium-term carbon reduction strategy.” – Anna Rickard, Environmental Consultant.