Leading accrediting body for workplace transport training, AITT, has announced the results of its 2023 member survey, which reveals exceptionally high satisfaction levels.

“As a member organisation, our annual survey has particular significance,” explains Liam Knight, Managing Director of AITT. “In terms of satisfaction levels, 85% of respondents said they were either satisfied or very satisfied with levels of support while 89% were satisfied or very satisfied with the resources on the members’ area of our website.

“Of particular interest is that 93% of our members would recommend AITT to others. Importantly, the survey also threw up some really valuable and insightful suggestions that we are already actively pursuing. As a result, over the coming weeks and months we will be announcing a number of significant developments aimed at improving the quality and scope of our systems and services to the benefit of all our stakeholders.

“For the public we will be unveiling a system that will enable employers to verify applicant qualifications instantly which will help businesses recruit operators with genuine confidence.

“For training providers, we are working on a scheme that will give credibility and authority to appropriate courses that fall outside those accredited by the ABA.

“For tutors we will launch a mechanism that acknowledges real-world situations and will improve efficiency by keeping them operational and earning income for more days of the year.

“And for instructors we are actively exploring a change that will make delivering courses more efficient and cost-effective.”

Summing up, Mr Knight said: “Just because our members are very satisfied that’s no grounds for complacency. We intend 2023 to be our busiest year yet in terms of improvements and innovations. We are determined to maintain AITT’s position as this industry’s most responsive accrediting body.”

For more information on AITT visit www.aitt.co.uk or call 01530 810867.